We're constantly making news and being recognized for our achievements as an outsource provider of multimedia messaging. We invite you to read about some of our most recent accomplishments:

Media / Articles by Year
2002 | 2001

November, 2000
Outsourcing Can Solve Burgeoning E-mail Use, CISCO WORLD

September 4, 2000
Outsourcing Web-Based E-Mail Gains Steam, COMPUTERWORLD

August 30, 2000
'Pony Express' Rider Arrives, WIRED NEWS

June 12, 2000
Banks Reach Patrons With Outsourced E-Mail, BANKER & TRADESMAN

June, 2000
Bank One Tests E-Mail Account Statements, Bank Systems & Technology

June 1, 2000
Use Encrypted E-Mail To Speed Bank Business, Microbanker Banking Technology Strategies

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